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Conditionally Navigate To State With Angular Ui-router

Currently, we have a 'Portfolio' tool in beta. Once a user logs in to the main app, if they have been given access to the beta, they can navigate to the Portfolio tool directly, wi

Solution 1:

I ran in the same problem days ago. Instead of using resolve, I check if the user is logged when state changes, defining run module and listening $stateChangeStart event, then check if the current state required authentication. If so, check if the user is logged in.

angular.module('portfolio.manager').config(function ($logProvider, $stateProvider) {
'use strict';

    .state('portfolio.manager', {
        url: '/manager',
        resolve: {
            portfolioAuthService: 'portfolioAuthService',

            User: function(portfolioAuthService){
              return portfolioAuthService.getUser();

            Portfolios: function (User, portfolioManagerService) {
                return portfolioManagerService.getPortfolios();
        data: {
            requiredAuthentication: true
        views: {
            'main@': {
                templateUrl: 'app/portfolio/manager/portfolio-manager.html',
                controller: 'PortfolioManagerCtrl'
            'no-portfolios@portfolio.manager': {
                templateUrl: 'app/portfolio/manager/partials/no-portfolios.html'
            'create@portfolio.manager': {
                templateUrl: 'app/portfolio/manager/partials/create.html'


  run.$inject = ['$rootScope','$state','loggedIn'];

  function run($rootScope,$state,loggedIn){


      if ( !( ) return;
      if ( !( ) return;

      var _requiredAuthentication =;

      if (_requiredAuthentication && !loggedIn.checkUser() ){

        $state.go('portfolio.login', { notify: false });
        console.log('not authorized');


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