Reading Url Parameters In Angularjs - A Simple Way?
Solution 1:
You can inject the $location
service if you are using html5 mode.
Because you are using URLs without a base root (such as a ! or a #), you need to explicitly add a <base>
tag that defines the "root" of your application OR you can configure $locationProvider
to not require a base tag.
</head><body><divng-controller="ParamsCtrl as vm">
app.config(['$locationProvider', function($locationProvider){
// or$locationProvider.html5Mode({
enabled: true,
requireBase: false
app.controller("TestCtrl", ['$location', function($location) {
var params = $;
alert('Foo is: ' + + ' and bar is: ' +;
It is worth noting that you can add a router library such as ngRoute, ui-router or the new, unfinished component router. These routers rely on a base route off of a symbol (! or #) and define everything after the symbol as a client-side route which gets controlled by the router. This will allow your Angular app to function as a Single Page App and will give you access to $routeParams or the ui-router equivalent.
Solution 2:
You can use $
var parameters = $;
-> object{
foo: foovalue,
bar: barvalue
SO these values will be accessible with
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