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JQuery: If A Table Header Has A Class, Add Class To Table Cell

Let's say I have the following html:
Header1 Header2<

Solution 1:

I think you don't see how jquery selectors work. $('') means : find me all thead which has the tr class. Visibly not what you want to do.

Here a code that should work :

$('tbody tr td').each(function(index){
    //index contains the current td index in the parent tr (1,2,3),(1,2,3)...
    //if the corresponding th has a class
    if($('thead tr th').eq(index).attr('class') != ''){
        //put this class on the current td
        $(this).addClass($('thead tr th').eq(index).attr('class'));

Checking if the td has a class is not necessary, since addClass does nothing if you give it an empty parameter.

Solution 2:


$('table thead th[class]').each(function () {
    $('table tbody td:nth-child(' + ($(this).index() + 1) + ')').addClass(this.className)

Demo: Fiddle

Solution 3:

Your code doesn't do what you think it does:

// find all tr's that have a th with class `alignRight` and add class `th.alignRight` to them
// find all tr's that have a th with class `alignLeft` and add class `th.alignLeft` to them

etc, etc.

Your code does nothing with the <td>'s

What could be done:

var thead = $('thead');
var tbody = $('tbody');

var rightIndex = $('th.alignRight', thead).index();
var leftIndex = $('th.alignLeft', thead).index();

$('tr', tbody).each(function(){
   $('td', this).eq(rightIndex).addClass('alignRight');
   $('td', this).eq(leftIndex).addClass('alignLeft');

Solution 4:

None of your addClass strings are valid. Whan adding a class you only provide the className.... no dot in it

/* would add class to the TR*/

Now to add to the TD can simply use selector

$('tr th.alignLeft td').addClass('alignLeft');

Solution 5:

Here is a solution: (fiddle here)

var headrow = $('thead tr').children();
$('tbody tr').each(function(){
  var row = $(this).children();
  for(var i=0; i<headrow.length; ++i){

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Has A Class, Add Class To Table Cell "
Has A Class, Add Class To Table Cell

Let's say I have the following html: …