Jsp - How To Pass A Javascript Var In Session.setattribute?
New to learning JSP, and trying out passing data between two pages. I'm wondering if it is possible to pass a javascript variable to session.setAttribute() At the moment, I can pa
Solution 1:
You cannot do that since javascript executes on client & JSP executes on server side.
If you want to set javascript variable to JSP session, then you pass this variable through the URL like this
varnumber = 7;
Now receive this var in your JSP page like this
Stringvar = request.getParameter("param");
Now set it in session
session.setAttribute("test", var);
varnumber = 7;
<%session.setAttribute("test", number);%>
In the above code, server will only execute the code inside <% %>. It does not know anything outside of the JSP tags. So, it will also dont know about your javascript variable number
Server executes the code & the result will be sent to the browser, then your browser will execute that javascript code var number=7;
Hope, now it is clear for you.
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