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For Loops Are Disturbing Rendering

I have some pretty simple 3D objects (basically THREE.Sphere which is a parent of 1-30 other THREE.Spheres, with RGB color and no texture) to display in somewhat real time animatio

Solution 1:

This is the basic idea I am using to do long slow calculations that don't get caught by the watchdog timers and bog down the browser or the render rate. The basic idea is that you use a javascript generator that allows you to yield in the middle of a computation, and continue later on. Then, I run the generator pump on a timeout chain. The key to this method is the "yield" operator that saves the function state and returns awaiting a future call to the .next() function. (btw this demo code might have to be re arraged to handle firefoxs forward references)

 //function Chain represents the slow code
function *Chain()
    for(i=0;i<1000000;i++)  //this represents a long slow calculation
        if(i%100==0)        //on occassion, yield 

console.log("starting chain");
gChain=Chain(); //startup and get the next generator pointer
timeout = setTimeout(function () { ChainStart(); }, 1);
 //function ChainStart is a pump that runs the generator using a timeout chain so other threads can run
function ChainStart(){                 
            timeout = setTimeout(function () { ChainStart(); }, 1);

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