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Angularjs: Bi-directional Communication Between Two Scopes/controllers Via A Service

I have quite a few scenarios where I need clicks, etc. to trigger behavior in another place on the page (a one-way communication scenario). I now have a need for bi-directional com

Solution 1:

I haven't used this myself, but this post explains basically how I would do it. Here's the code which illustrates the idea:

(function() {
    var mod = angular.module("", []);

    //register other services here.../* pubsub - based on*/
    mod.factory('pubsub', function() {
        var cache = {};
        return {
            publish: function(topic, args) { 
                cache[topic] && $.each(cache[topic], function() {
                    this.apply(null, args || []);

            subscribe: function(topic, callback) {
                if(!cache[topic]) {
                    cache[topic] = [];
                return [topic, callback]; 

            unsubscribe: function(handle) {
                var t = handle[0];
                cache[t] && d.each(cache[t], function(idx){
                    if(this == handle[1]){
                        cache[t].splice(idx, 1);

    return mod;

Note the memory leak though if controllers are "deleted" without unsubscribing.

Solution 2:

I think you can try the following service,

'use strict';
  .service('messageBus', function($q) {
    var subscriptions = {};
    var pendingQuestions = [];

    this.subscribe = function(name) {
      subscriptions[name].requestDefer = $q.defer();
      return subscriptions[name].requestDefer.promise; //for outgoing notifications

    this.unsubscribe = function(name) {
      subscriptions[name].requestDefer = null;

    functionpublish(name, data) {

    //name = whom shd answer ?//code = what is the question ?//details = details abt question.this.request = function(name, code, details) {
      var defered = null;
      if (subscriptions[name].requestDefer) {
        if (pendingQuestions[code]) {
          //means this question is already been waiting for answer.//hence return the same promise. A promise with multiple handler will get //same data.
          defered = pendingQuestions[code];
        } else {
          defered = $q.defer();
          //this will be resolved by response method.
          pendingQuestions[code] = defered;
          //asking question to relevant controllerpublish(name, {
            code: code,
            details: details
      } else {
        //means that one is not currently in hand shaked with service.
        defered = $q.defer();
          code: "not subscribed"
      return defered.promise;

    //data = code + details//responder does not know the destination. This will be handled by the service using //pendingQuestions[] array. or it is preemptive, so decide by code.this.response = function(data) {
      var defered = pendingQuestions[data.code];
      if (defered) {
      } else {
        //means nobody requested for this.handlePreemptiveNotifications(data);

    functionhandlePreemptiveNotifications() {
      switch (data.code) {
        //handle them case by case

This can be used as a message bus in multi controller communication. It is making use of the angular notify() callback of promise API.All the participating controllers should subscribe the service as follows,

  .controller('Controller1', function($scope, messageBus) {
    var name = "controller1";

    functionload() {
      var subscriber = messageBus.subscribe(name);
      subscriber.then(null, null, function(data) {

    functionhandleRequestFromService(data) {
      //process according to data contentif (data.code == 1) {
        data.count = 10;

    $scope.$on("$destroy", function(event) {
      //before do any pending updates


  .controller('Controller2', function($scope, messageBus) {
    var name = "controller2";

    functionload() {
      var subscriber = messageBus.subscribe(name);
      subscriber.then(null, null, function(data) {

    functionhandleRequestFromService(data) {
      //process according to data content

    $scope.getHorseCount = function() {
      var promise = messageBus.request("controller1", 1, {});
      promise.then(function(data) {

    $scope.$on("$destroy", function(event) {
      //before do any pending updates


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