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Validate Url For Multilingual - Japanese Langauga

I have feature to add wesbsite option in form. Here user can write domain /url and this domain/url can be in English as well Japanese language as below. www.南极�

Solution 1:

I think you should use form validator. For example, I prefer to use this one: You can write your own validation rules depending on language.

For exanple, this is how you can validate car VIN number:

(function() {
    jQuery.validator.addMethod("vin", function(value, element) {
        returnthis.optional(element) || /^[a-z0-9]{17}$/i.test(value);
    }, "");

Solution 2:

There is a very simple method to apply all you RegEx logic(that one can apply easily in English) for any Language using Unicode.

For matching a range of Unicode Characters like all Alphabets [A-Za-z] we can use

[\u0041-\u005A] where \u0041 is Hex-Code for A and \u005A is Hex Code for Z

'matchCAPS leTTer'.match(/[\u0041-\u005A]+/g)
//output ["CAPS", "TT"]

In the same way we can use other Unicode characters or their equivalent Hex-Code according to their Hexadecimal Order (eg: \u0A10 to \u0A1F) provided by

Below is a regEx for url validation


you just replace a-z, A-Z, 0-9 with the similar characters from Japanese Unicode set and it will work fine. I don't know Japanese :)

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