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Php Variable Inside A Js File

Possible Duplicate: Best way to transfer an array between PHP and Javascript How do I put the value of a PHP variable inside a Javascript variable? This is what I have now in a

Solution 1:

Don't forget to properly escape your variables before passing them to JavaScript. Use json_encode() for this, as it escapes and encodes your values in a way suitable for using with JavaScript:

test=<?php echo json_encode($country) ?>;

Never simply send the variable un-encoded, as it might break things, or, worse, if the value comes from untrusted sources, compromise your security.

Also, rename your file to .php instead of .js if you want to be able to insert dynamic PHP code inside it.

Solution 2:

Remember that the browser doesn't care what the serverside (PHP) code was. It only cares what the rendered code (Javascript and HTML) looks like. So your PHP

test=<?phpecho$country; ?>;

will come out something like this, presuming $country is a string:


That is valid Javascript, but it doesn't set test to have the value USA. It sets test to the value of the variable USA, which is almost certainly undefined. You need to use quotation marks to make a Javascript string literal:

test="<?phpecho$country; ?>";

This will be rendered as so:


and will do what you expect.

I see now that you've mentioned that the file is a js file. I presumed above that it was a standard PHP-with-HTML file. As it is, everything above is still valid. However, serving a PHP script as Javascript is only slightly tricky.

First, name your file filename.php (or whatever other name you want). This is by far the easiest way to get the webserver to know to parse it with PHP. Then use the following instruction to let the browser know that the file is Javascript content:

header('Content-Type', 'text/javascript');

Put that at the very top of your file, before any content is sent to the browser. You can then include PHP variables as you like.

Solution 3:

First of all, to make sure that you understand this, because I see a lot of beginners stumbling over the difference between server side scripting and client side scripting, javascript is a client side scripting language, while PHP is server side. If you understand this, you can basically skip this paragraph. When the user requests a page, such as, the request gets sent to the server. Because the user requests the PHP file, the server knows that it should parse the file before sending it to the user. When parsing a file, the server starts n HTML mode, which means that all the text it reads is going directly to the user. From the moment php encounters a or the end of the file. When the end of the file is reached, it sends the output to the user. This output may contain script tags in it's HTML. These peaces of javascript will be executed when they are red together with the HTML by the browser.

However, an external javascript file, doesn't need to have the .js extension, just like css. Therefore, you can also make a php file that outputs js, and do as one of the previous answers suggested, so to put this js code in a .php file:

var somevar = <?phpecho$var; ?>;

as you can see, after the equals sign in the javascript, the php variable $var 's value will be printed. This value will therefore be assigned to the js variable called somevar when the output is red by the browser.

Solution 4:

put your JS code inside a .php file and try like this:


The point is your file should be a PHP file to make server to parse it as php. if it is a .js file it will not work

Solution 5:

In order for you to be able to use markup within a Javascript file, you must either:

1) Modify your .htaccess file to include *.js as a valid extension for files to be processed through the PHP Engine. (Google around for this)

2) Change the Javascript file extension from *.js to *.php.

3) Declare variables which are set through PHP within the main PHP/HTML file, rather than the external Javascript file.

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