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Convert Rjxs Map And Flatten/reduce To Flatmap

I believe the following code can be refactored using a flatMap but I cant seem to get it working as desired. I understand flatMap essentially maps and then flattens, which is perf

Solution 1:

It looks like there might be a bit of confusion between the RxJS flatMap and the Array prototype method flatMap. Note that the purpose of the RxJS flatMap is not to flatten arrays that are the subjects of the stream, but rather to flatten a stream of Obervables into a single observables. See this SO post:

Why do we need to use flatMap?

... Basically if Observable denotes an observable object which pushes values of type T, then flatMap takes a function of type T' -> Observable as its argument, and returns Observable. map takes a function of type T' -> T and returns Observable.

If you want your code to be a bit cleaner, you could use the myArray.flatMap method. Here's a potential answer to your question with the Array flatMap method:

const$resultsObservable: Observable<any> = Observable.of(query)
  .switchMap(q =>this.getAutocompleteSuggestions(q))
  // Flatmap on the array here because response is an array of arrays.// The RxJS flatMap does not deal with flattening arrays
  .map(res => res.flatMap(resp => {
    const content = resp.content; =>this.someMethod(result));
    return content;

getAutocompleteSuggestions(query: string): Observable < any > {
  const subs$ = [];
  //... add some observables to $subsreturnObservable.forkJoin(...subs$);

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