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Read Objectguid From Active Directory

I'm trying to get information from AD using node.js. I've tried activedirectory and ldapauth-fork and in general the code works, but if I need some octetstring data like objectGUID

Solution 1:

entryParser is there for that purpose:

const ActiveDirectory = require('activedirectory');

const config = {
  url: 'LDAP://',
  baseDN: 'OU=Users,DC=example,DC=com',
  username: '',
  password: 'password',
  entryParser(entry, raw, callback) {
    if (raw.hasOwnProperty("objectGUID")) { entry.objectGUID = raw.objectGUID; }

const ad = new ActiveDirectory(config);

const query = { 
  filter: '(objectClass=user)',
  attributes: ["dn", "cn", "objectGUID", "objectSid"]

ad.findUsers(query, function (err, result) {
  if (err) {
    return console.error(err);

  console.log(result[0]); // objectGUID contains Buffer with strange byte order
    ).toUpperCase() // Normal guid, conversion could be moved into the parser

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