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Html5 Video Draw Into Canvas2d Issue On Android Chrome

I am developing VR html5 page in javascript (no jQuery or other frameworks) that uses WebGL to render a sphere and has texture to which streamed video is rendered into. All that wo

Solution 1:

After thorough research it appears that:

  1. Canvas2D.drawImage( video, 0,0 ) was broken since July 2015 (at least as I found bug reports that date from then) in Android Chrome and was kinda fixed-not-fixed-fixed-again-and-again-not-fixed - but I can confirm that it is fixed in Android Chrome 49 and in Android Chrome 50 (Beta). Same issue with decoding pixels from video to be drawn into Canvas2D has affected drawing video into WebGL texture.

  2. The only workaround is to have either: a) custom-made video streaming server using Websocket + JPG sequence streamer in JavaScript (images received through opened websocket connection) or b) JPG sequence streamer in JavaScript (downloads images one by one and takes care of loading new - deleting old).

I went with option 2.b and with CDN kicked in it really works great for 1024x512 video size, which was good enough solution.

I would first preload mp3 file using http request, then load it into Audio object. Once that's done, JPG streamer would kick in and would then commence playback using sound currentTime value. It was 100% synchronised with sound!

However, issue is fixed in Chrome 49, and Chrome 50 (beta), so this likely will be obsolete in 2-3 months.

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