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Calling Javascript Notification Api On Google Chrome For Android Not Working Directly From A Web Page

I'm working with the JavaScript Notification API to show a small message to my users. It works on every desktop browser I've tested with, including Chrome...but not Chrome for Andr

Solution 1:

On Chrome for Android you can only open a notification via a Service Worker. A service worker is a script that runs alongside the browser and can be loaded even when the page or browser are currently closed.

The main reasoning behind the service worker requirement is that a notification can outlive the length of the browser's lifetime (i.e, the user can close the browser) and the notification will still be active, therefore when a user clicks on the notification Android needs to wake "something" up, this "something" is the Service Worker.

This Notification Guide is a good introduction to the current state of Notifications on the Web and in Chrome - it focuses a little on Push messaging but also has all the details of how to trigger a notification from the Service Worker.

This might seem like an extra hoop to jump through but it actually is a net benefit: your notification will still work when clicked even when the browser is closed.

Solution 2:

Check this for compatibility:

"Partial Support" Although as Kinlan mentioned, it's possible with Web Service Workers.

Notification.requestPermission(function(result) {
  if (result === 'granted') {
    navigator.serviceWorker.ready.then(function(registration) {
      registration.showNotification('Notification with ServiceWorker');

The sw.js file can just be a zero-byte file.

Credit Due: HTML5 Notification not working in Mobile Chrome

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