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Webdriverjs : Driver.manage().logs().get('browser') Returns Empty Array

I have the following mocha test case, I'm trying to print the webdriver logs in the end, but its returning an empty array. The result is the same even when I pass 'browser' as argu

Solution 1:

It was because I didn't enable the logging option in the list of capabilities while creating the driver instance. Resolved now with these changes.

var pref = new webdriver.logging.Preferences();
pref.setLevel('browser', webdriver.logging.Level.ALL); 
pref.setLevel('driver', webdriver.logging.Level.ALL); 

var driver = new webdriver.Builder()

Solution 2:

This also depends on browser driver being used - e.g. with chromedriver >= 2.29 the logs are sometimes 'late' - the logs().get('performance') promise resolves with empty array, but after waiting it resolves with data. This is the same with Oscar's capabilities tweaks. So, here's a workaround:

functiongetPerfLogs(driver) {
  let performanceLogs;

  return driver.wait(() => {
    return driver.manage().logs().get('performance')
      .then(v => {
        let nonEmpty = v.length > 0;
        if (nonEmpty) {
          performanceLogs = v;
        return nonEmpty;
  }, 1000)
  .then(() => {
    return performanceLogs;

  .then(v =>console.log('performance logs', v))

Solution 3:

@Artem's answer validated the behavior I was seeing, but I found a different solution for my case, using Protractor: explicitly call browser.waitForAngular() before accessing logs:

    .then(function() {
        // "Protractor automatically applies this command before every WebDriver action",// but apparently browser.manage().logs() is not an action. Without this line// here, logs are sometimes not picked up until some time later.return browser.waitForAngular()
    .then(function() { return browser.manage().logs().get('browser') })
    .then(function(logs) { ... });

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