JQuery - Improving Selector Performance When Processing XML
Solution 1:
try this :
Ive managed to increase the speed.
p.s. it is based on the fact that all lanes are in the same order in each xml node.
Solution 2:
Using XML parsing for such simple markup is a waste. If you want speed using indexOf and substring is the superior method.
I edited @Royi Namir 's jsperf and added my own version (aptly named "screw xml"). It runs 2x faster than his optimized XML parsing version.
Here's the code that would aline with the OP's example from the question. The "xml" variable is just a string that represents the XML.
var find = '';
var start = -1;
var end = -1;
var skip1 = 0;
var skip2 = ' avg="'.length;
for (i=0;i<lanes.length;i++) {
find = 'num="' + lanes[i] + '"';
skip1 = find.length;
end = -1;
start = xml.indexOf(find, 0);
while (start != -1) {
start = start + skip1 + skip2;
end = xml.indexOf("\"/>", start);
htmlContents += GetLaneInfo(xml.substring(start, end));
start = xml.indexOf(find, end);
In reality you probably don't want to use a version like the above because it hinges on the XML being formatted uniformly (see: "skip2" variable/constant). But if you really want performance/speed doing it this way is the fastest by far.
Solution 3:
Solution 4:
Well, in your example xml
data we could see that num
attribute is sorted, if so try implement http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bisection_method for that data :)
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