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How Do I Get The Actual Values For Left/right/top/bottom Of An Absolutely Positioned Element?

(This seems like a simple question that would have been asked before, but if it has I can't find it, though there are lots of similar ones that don't answer what I want.) In Firefo

Solution 1:

you can use getBoundingClientRect. It will take into account any transforms as well, if you are using them.

You'd need to call it like jQuery('selector')[0].getBoundingClientRect(). Or use vanilla javascript like document.querySelector('selector').getBoundingClientRect(), which will return a single element or document.querySelectorAll('selector')[index].getBoundingClientRect().

To summarize, in a slightly more readable format:

  • jQuery('selector')[0].getBoundingClientRect()
  • document.querySelector('selector').getBoundingClientRect()
  • document.querySelectorAll('selector')[index].getBoundingClientRect()

or replace the QS calls with older ones like getElementById, etc.

Here's a function you could use if you wanted to get it relative to it's parent:

function getRelativeClientRect(el) {
  var rect = el.getBoundingClientRect(),
      parentRect = el.offsetParent.getBoundingClientRect();
  return {
    bottom: parentRect.bottom - rect.bottom,
    height: rect.height,
    left: rect.left - parentRect.left,
    right: parentRect.right - rect.right,
    top: -,
    width: rect.width

Solution 2:

There is a built-in way to do this in Javascript without JQUERY. There are two special ones I'll show you, one is JS and CSS, other is just JS.; //Gives you distance from left edge of your viewport. + "px"; //Gives you distance in pixels from top edge; //etc.

//There is also the way of Offset. You do not need CSS at all for this.
//Of course, Jquery has its own way of doing this, but I'll show JS-only
element.offsetTop; //Gives distance from top of viewport to top of element
element.offsetLeft; //Gives distance from left of viewport to left of element

As always, there are many more ways to do this with and without Jquery. I prefer not using Jquery at all (despite the fact that it is awesome), and I know others prefer not using Jquery too. If you want to use Jquery, I'd recommend using the Jquery way like @farincz did. If not, this way or getBoundingClientRect is better. Best thing about using or .style.left is that you can not only get the actual values for left/right/top/bottom, but you can also set them. This is great for stuff like drag-and-drop.

Solution 3:

EDIT: this is about absolute position

Very old function findPos

Variante considering scroll & borders

function getPosition(el){
 var x=0,y= 0;
 while(el) {

to get right

  var info=getPosition(element);
  console.log('marginRight: '+info.x-element.offsetWidth);

Note1: these are vanilla javascript functions that are compatible with older browsers. thats why jQuery is not needed.obiovsly the performance is much better than using jQuery.

Note2: there are many other versions if you search find position


to get the right

  var info=element.getBoundingClientRect(); // Native Javascript ..think 1.6+
  console.log('marginRight: 'info.right-info.width);


There is no easy way to get the dimensions,offsets,applied css of an element if you want a allround compatible script.

the getPosition function is probably the best function (considering compatibility) that allows you to easely calculate this values..

Note: as there is a while loop inside the function, on very old machines you could get some problems with heavely nested elements.

if your using html5 and css than go for getBoundingClientRect

Note: probably both break when using css3 transforms.


I need values that are equivalent to the .css('right') values that Firefox returns

To get those values you first need to find the position of the element.

So:getPosition function or getBoundingClientRect

then you need to calculate the top/bottom,left/right values.



To apply this only to the parent element you need to execute getPosition also on the parent element

and the calculations are shown in @kalley's answer.

Solution 4:

You can get it with $().offset - it returns position in document. Suppose p be parent element towards which is your element positioned.

then left is

var left = $(el).offset().left - $(p).offset().left;

right is more complicated, you must use also width

var right = ($(p).offset().left + $(p).width()) - ($(el).offset().left + $(el).width());

last thing is obtain p elment. You know it directly or find it in $(el).parents() It has position relative or absolute.

Solution 5:

Use function getBoundingClientRect(), it gives you left, right, top, bottom, width, height values:

var myid=document.getElementById("id").getBoundingClientRect();
var bottom=myid.bottom;
var right=myid.right

... and so on.

Source: MDN | Element.getBoundingClientRect()


To get coordinates with respect to the page and not viewport:

var bodycoord=document.body.getBoundingClientRect();

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